John Woolman Journal - Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


Having felt my mind drawn toward a Visit to a few meetings in Pennsylvania, I was very desirous to be instructed Rightly as to the time of seting of, and on the 10. 5. 1761, being the first day of the week I went to Haddonfield Meeting. Concluding [in my mind] to Seek for heavenly instruction, and come home or go on as I might then believe best for me; and there through the Springing up of pure love I felt encouragement and so crossed the River. In this visit I was at two Quarterly and three monthly meetings, and in the love of Truth, felt my way open to Labour with some noted Friends who kept Negroes, and as I was favoured to keep the Root, and Endeavoured to discharge what I believed was Required of me, I found inward peace therein from time to time, and thankfulness of heart to the Lord, who was graciously pleased to guide me.

In the 8. 1761, having felt drawings in my mind to Visit Friends in and about Shrewsbury I went there & was at their firstday meeting and their, monthly meeting and had a meeting at Squan1 and another at Squankum, and as way opened I had Conversation with some noted Friends in the fear of the Lord concerning their slaves, and returned home in a thankful sense of the Goodness of God.

From a care I felt growing in me some years, I wrote Considerations on keeping Negroes, part second, which was printed this year, 1762.2 When the overseers of the press had done with it, they offered to get a number printed to be paid for out of the Yearly Meeting stock, & to be given away but I being most {Page 244} easie to publish them at my own Expense, & offering my reasons they appeared Satisfied.

This Stock is the Contribution of the Members of our religious society in general, amongst whom are many who keep Negroes, & some of them being resolved to continue them in Slavery are not likely to be satisfied with those books being spread amongst a people where many of the Slaves are [learnd] to read & Especially not at their Expense; & Such often receiving them as a gift conceal them. But as they who make a purchase buy that which they have a mind for, I [was easie] to sell them, Expecting by that means they would more generaly be read with Attention. Advertisements being Signed by order of the overseers of the press, directed to be read in monthly meetings of business within our Yearly Meeting, informing where the Books were, & that the price was no more than the cost of printing and binding them. Many were taken of in our parts, some I sent to York, 3 and to Newport, to my acquaintance there, & some I kept by me Ex pecting to give part of them away where there appear'd a pros pect of doing it to advantage.

In my youth I was used to hard Labour, and though I was midling healthy, yet my Nature was not fited to endure so much as many others, that being often weary [with it], I was prepared to Sympathize with those whose circumstance in life as free men, required constant labour to answer the demands of their creditors, and with others under Oppression. In the uneasiness of body, which I have many times felt by too much labour, not as a forced but a voluntary opression, I have often been Excited to think on the original cause of that Opression which is imposed on many in the world. And the latter part of the time wherein I laboured on the plantation, my heart, through the fresh Visitations of Heavenly Love being often tender, and my leisure time frequently spent in reading the Life and doctrines of our Blessed Redeemer, the Account of the Sufferings of Martyrs, and the history of the first rise of our Society, A belief was gradually setled in my mind, That if such who had great Estates generally lived in that Humility and plainness which belonged to a Christian life, and laid much Easier Rents and Interests on their lands & moneys, and {Page 245} so led the way to a right Use of things, so great a number of people might be employed in things Usefull that Labour both for men and other Creatures would Need to be no more than an agreeable Employ. And divers branches of business, which serve chiefly to please the Natural Inclinations of our minds, and which at present, seems necessary to circulate that wealth which some gather might in this way of pure Wisdom be discontinued. And as I have thus Considered these things, a query at times hath arisen, do I in all my proceedings keep to that Use of things which is agreeable to Universal Righteousness and then there hath some degree of Sadness at times come over me, for that I accustomed myself to some things which Ocasioned more labour than I believe Divine Wisdom intended for us.

From my early acquaintance with Truth I have often felt an inward distress occasioned by the Striving of a Spirit in me against the operation of the Heavenly principle and in this circumstance have been affected with a sense of my own Wretchedness, and in a mourning condition felt earnest longing for that Divine help which brings the Soul into true Liberty. Retireing into private places, the Spirit of Supplication hath been given me and under a Heavenly Covering have asked my Gracious Father to give me a heart in all things resigned to the direction of his Wisdom, & in Uttering language like this, the thoughts of my wearing hats & garments died with a die injurious to them, has made lasting impressions on me.

4 --[In visiting people of note in the Society who had Slaves, and Labouring with them in Brotherly Love on that account, I have seen and the sight has affected me that a Conformity to some customs distinguishable from Pure Wisdom has entangled many, and the desire of gain to support those Customs greatly Opposed the work of Truth.] And sometimes when the prospect of the work before me has been Such that in bowedness of Spirit I have been drawn into retired places and besought the Lord with tears that he would take me wholly under his direction and show me the way in which I ought to walk it hath revived with strength of conviction that if I would be his Faithfull servant I must in all things attend to his wisdom, and be teachable, and so cease {Page 246} from all customs contrary thereto, however used amongst Religious people

As He is the perfection of Power of Wisdom and of Goodness so I believe He hath provided that so much labour shall be necessary for mens Support in this world as would, being rightly divided, be a Sutable Employment of their time, and that we cannot go into Superfluities, nor grasp after wealth in a way contrary to his wisdom without having connection with some degree of Oppression, and with that Spirit which leads to Self exaltation and strife, & which frequently brings Calamities on Countries by parties contending about their claims. Being thus fully convinced & feeling an increasing desire to live in the Spirit of peace; Being often Sorrowfully affected in thinking on the unquiet Spirit in which wars are generally carried on & with the miseries of many of my fellow-creatures engaged therein, Some suddenly destroyed, Some wounded and after much pain remain crippled, Some deprived of all their outward Substance & reduced to want, & Some carried into captivity, thinking often on these things the use of hats & garments died with a die hurtfull to them, & wearing more cloaths in summer than are usefull grew more uneasie to me, believing ym to be customs which have not their foundation in pure Wisdom. The apprehension of being Singular from my Beloved Friends was a strait upon me, and thus I remained in the Use of Some things contrary to my Judgment.

And on the 31. 5. 1761 I was taken ill of a fever,5 and after having it near a week, I was in great distress of Body, and one day there was a Cry raised in me that I might understand the cause why I was afflicted and improve under it, and my conformity to some customs which I believed were not right were brought to my remembrance, & in the Continuation of the Exercise I felt all the powers in me yield themselves up into the hands of Him who gave me being, and was made thankfull that he had taken hold of me by his Chastisement, feeling the Necessity of {Page 247} further purifying. There was now no desire in me for Health, untill the design of my Correction was answered, and thus I lay in abasement and brokenness of Spirit. And as I felt a sinking down into a calm Resignation, so I felt as in an Instant, an inward healing in my Nature and from that time forward I grew better.

Though I was thus Setled in my mind in relation to hurtfull dies, I felt easie to wear my garments heretofore made, and so continued about nine months. Then I thought of geting a hat the natural colour of the fur, but the Apprehension of being looked upon as one Affecting Singularity, felt uneasie to me, and here I had occasion to consider that things though small in themselves being clearly enjoined by Divine Authority as a duty, became great things to us, and I Trusted that the Lord would Support me in the tryals that might attend Singularity. While that singularity was only for his sake, on this account I was under close exercise of mind in the time of our General Spring Meeting, 1762, greatly desiring to be rightly directed, [and at a time when one of my Dear Brethren was concerned in Humble Supplication, I] being then deeply bowed in Spirit before the Lord, was made willing [in case I got Safe home,] to speak for a Hat of the natural colour of the fur, [and did so].

In attending [publick] meetings this singularity was a tryal upon me, and more Especially at this time,6 as being in use amongst some who were fond of following the Changible modes of dress, and as some Friends who knew not on what motive I wore it, carried Shy of me, I felt my way for a time shut up in the Ministry, and in this condition my mind being turned toward my Heavenly Father, with fervent cries that I might be preserved to walk before Him in the meekness of wisdom, my heart was often tender in meetings, and I felt an inward Consolation which to me was very precious under those difficulties.

I had several dyed garments fit for use, which I believed it best to wear till I had ocasion of new ones, and some Friends were apprehensive that my wearing such a hat Savored of an Affected Singularity. Such who spake with me in a Friendly way I generally informed in a few words, that I believ'd my wearing it was not in my own will. I had at times been Sensible that a {Page 248} superficial friendship had been dangerous to me, and many Friends now being uneasy with me, [I found to be a providential Kindness, and though] I had an Inclination to acquaint some [valuable Friends] with the manner of my being led into these things, yet upon a deeper thought, I was for a time most easy to omit it, believing the present dispensation was profitable, and Trusting that if I kept my place the Lord in his own time would open the hearts of Friends toward me. Since which I have had [ocasion] to admire his goodness and loving kindness, in leading about & instructing and opening and Enlarging my heart in some of our meetings.7

II. 1762 feeling an Engagement of mind to visit Some families in Mansfield I joyned my Beloved Friend Benjamin Jones M and we spent a few days together in that Service. And in the 2. 1763, I joyned in company with Elizabeth Smith ie and Mary Noble106 [from Burlington] on a Vistit to the families of Friends at Ancocas in both which visits Through the Baptizing power of Truth, and the hearts of Friends opened to receive us, the sin cere labourers were often comforted, and in the [fourth] month following I [bore] some Friends [company] on a visit to the families of Friends in Mountholly in which [Visit] my mind was drawn into an inward awfullness, wherein Strong desires were raised for the Everlasting wellfare of my fellow-creatures, and through the kindness of our Heavenly Father, our hearts were at times enlarged, & Friends invited in the flowings of Divine Love to Attend to that which would Settle them on the Sure foundation.8

Having many years felt Love in my heart towards the Natives of this Land, who dwell far back in the Wilderness, whose Ancestors were the owners and possessors of the [Country] where we dwell, and who for a very small consideration Assigned their Inheritance to us, And being at Philadelphia in the 8. 1761 on a visit to some Friends who had Slaves, I fell in company with {Page 249} Some of those Natives who lived on the East Branch of the River Susquehannah at an Indian Town called Wehalosing9 --[about 200] miles from Philad, & in Conversation with them by an Interpreter, as allso by observations on their Countenances and Conduct I believed some of them were measurably Acquainted with that Divine power which Subjects the rough and froward will of the Creature. And at times I.felt inward drawings to ward a Visit to that place of which I told none, (Except my Dear Wife,) until it came to Some ripeness, and then in the winter 1762, I laid it before Friends at our monthly and Quarterly and [then] at our General Spring meeting. And having the Unity of Friends and being thoughtfull about an Indian pilot, there came a man and 3 women from a little beyond that Town to Philad on business, and I being [Acquainted] thereof by letter met them in Town in the 5. 1763; and after some Conversation finding they were Sober people I, by the Concurrence of Friends in that place agreed to joyn with them as Companions on their return, and the 7. 6. following, [was] appointed for us to meet at Samuel Foulkes,48 at Richland.10

After I had given up to go the thoughts of the Journey were often attended with unusual Sadness, in which times my heart was frequently turned to the Lord with inward Breathings for His Heavenly Support, that I might not fail [of] following Him wheresoever He might lead me. And being at our Youths meet ing at Chesterfield about a week before the time I Expected to Set of, was there led to speak on that prayer of our Redeemer to His Father: "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from the evil." And in attending to the pure openings of Truth, had to mention what he elsewhere said to His Father, "I know that thou hearest me at all times." So that, as some of his followers kept their {Page 250} places, and as his prayer was granted, it followed necessarily that they were kept from evil. And as Some of [those] met with great hardships and Afflictions in this world, and at last Suffered death by Cruel men, It appears that whatsoever befalls men while they live in pure Obedience to God, as it certainly works for good, so it may not be considered an evil as it relates to them. As I Spake on this Subject my heart was much tendered, and great awfullness came over me. And then on the first day of the next week being at our own afternoon meeting, and my heart being Enlarged in Love I was lead to Speak on the Care & protection of the Lord over his people, & to make mention of that passage where a Band of Assyrians Endeavouring to take Captive the Prophet, were disappointed; and how the Psalmist said [that] the angel of the Lord Encampeth round about them that fear him; And Thus, in True Love and tenderness I parted from Friends, Expecting the next morning to proceed on my Journey, and being weary [I] went early to Bed. [And] after I had been asleep a Short time, I was awaked by a man calling at [our] door; and arising was invited to [go and] meet some Friends at a publick house in our Town who came from Philad* so late that Friends were generally gone to Bed. These Friends informed me that an Express arrived the last morning from [the Fort called] Pittsburg, and brought news that The Indians had taken a Fort from the English westward and Slain and Scalped English people in divers places, Some near the said Pittsburg, and that some Elderly Friends in Philad", knowing the time of my Expecting to set of, had confered together, and thought good to inform me of these things before I left home, that I might consider them, & proceed as I believed best: So I going again to bed told not my wife till morning. My heart was turned to the Lord for his Heavenly instruction, and it was a humbleing time to me. When I told my Dear Wife, she appeared to be deeply concerned about it, but in a few hours time my mind became Setled in a Belief that it was my duty to proceed on my Journey, and she bore it with a good degree of Resignation. In this conflict of Spirit there were great Searchings of Heart, and Strong cries to the Lord, that no motion might be in the least degree attended to, but that of the pure Spirit of Truth. The subjects before mentioned, on which I had so lately Spoke in publick were now very fresh {Page 251} before me; and I was brought inwardly to Commit myself to the Lord, to be disposed of as he Saw good.

So I took leave of my Family and Neighbours in much bowedness of Spirit, and went to our. monthly meeting at Burlington, and after taking leave of Friends there, I crossed the River,11

Where cunning people pass Counterfeits and impose that on others which is only good for nothing, it is considered as a wickedness, but to sell that to people which we know does them harm, and which often works their Ruin, for the sake of gain manifests a hardened and Corrupt heart; and it is an evil which demands the care of all True Lovers of Virtue [in endeavouring] to Suppress. And while my mind this evening was thus employed, I allso remembered that the people on the frontier among whom this evil is too common are often poor people who venture to the outside of a Colony that they may live more independent on Such who are wealthy, who often set high rents on their Land, being then renewedly confirmed in a belief, that if all our inhabi tants lived according to pure wisdom, Labouring to promote Universal Love and Righteousness, and ceased from every inordinate desire after wealth, and from all customs which are Tinctured with Luxury, the way would be Easie for our Inhabitants, though much more numerous than at present, to live com fortably on Honest Employments, without having that tempta tion they are Often under of being drawn into schemes to make settlements on Lands which have not been honestly purchased of the Indians, or of Applying to that wicked practice of Selling rum to them.

On 10. 6. Set out early in the morning and crossed the Western Branch of Delaware called the Great Lehie,12

Near our Tent on the sides of large Trees peeled for that purpose, were various Representations of men going to, and return ing from the wars, and of Some killed in Battle, this being a path heretofore used by warriors. And as I walked about viewing those Indian histories, which were painted mostly in red but some with black, and thinking on the Innumerable Afflictions which the proud, fierce Spirit produceth in the world; Thinking on the Toyls and fatigues of warriors, traveling over Mountains and Deserts, Thinking on their miseries & Distresses when wounded far from home by their Enemies, and of their bruises and great weariness in Chaseing one another over the Rocks and Mountains, and of their restless, unquiet state of mind who live in this Spirit, and of the hatred which mutually grows up in the minds of the Children of those Nations Engaged in war with each other: The desire to cherish the Spirit of Love and peace amongst these people, arose very fresh in me.

This was the first night that we [were] in the woods, and being wet with traveling in the rain, the ground & our Tent wet, and the bushes wet which we purposed to lay under, our Blan kets also, all looked discouraging; but I believed that it was the Lord who had thus far brought me forward, and that he would dispose of me as He Saw good, and therein I felt easie. So we kindled a fire with our Tent door open to it, and with Some bushes next the ground, and then Blankets, we made our Bed, and lying down got some sleep, and in the morning feeling a littie unwell I went into the River [all over:] The Water was cold, but soon after I felt fresh & well.

On 11. 6. The bushes being wet we tarried in our Tent till about Eight o'clock, then going on crossed a High Mountain {Page 254} Supposed to be upwards of four miles [wide, and] the Steepness [on] the north side exceeded all the others. We also crossed two Swamps and it Raining near Night, we pitched our Tent and lodged. About noon, on our way, we were overtaken by one of the Moravian Brethren {40} going to Wahalowsing13

On 12. 6. of the week being a Rainey day we continued in our Tent and here I was led to think on the nature of the Exercise which hath attended me. Love was the first motion, and then a Concern arose to Spend Some time with the Indians, that I might feel and understand their life, and the Spirit they live in. If happily I might receive some Instruction from them, or they be in any degree helped forward by my following the Leadings of Truth amongst them, and as it pleased the Lord to make way for my going at a Time when the Troubles of war were in creasing, and when by reason of much wet weather Traveling was more difficult than usual at that Season, I looked upon it as a more favourable Oportunity to season my mind, and bring me into a nearer Sympathy with them. And as mine eye was to the great Father of Mercies, humbly desiring to learn what his will was concerning me, I was made quiet and content.

Our [pilots] Horse though hoppled went away in the night, and after finding our own, & Searching some time for him, his footsteps were discovered in the path going back again, where upon my kind Companion went of in the Rain, and after about Seven hours returned with him, and here we lodged again, ty ing up our horses before we went to Bed, & loosing them to feed about break of day.

On 13. 6. the Sun appearing we set forward, and as I rode over the barren Hills my meditations were on the Alterations of the Circumstances of the Natives of this land since the coming in of {Page 255} the English. The Lands near the Sea are Conveniently scituated for fishing. The lands near the Rivers where the tides flow, and some above, are in many places fertile, and not mountain ous; while the Runing of the Tides makes passing up and down easie with any kind of Traffick. Those natives have in some places for [small] considerations sold their Inheritance so favourably Scituated and in other places been driven back by su perior force. So that in many places as their way of Clothing themselves is now altered from what it was, and they far remote from us have to pass over Mountains, Swamps, and Barran des erts, where Traveling is very troublesome, in bringing their furs & skins to trade with us.

By the Extending of English Settlements and partly by Eng lish Hunters, those wild Beasts they chiefly depend on for a sub sistence are not so plenty as they were. And people too often for the Sake of gain open a Door for them to waste their Skins & furs, in purchasing a Liquor which tends to the ruin of ym & their Families.

My own will and desire being now very much broken, and my heart with much earnestness turned to the Lord, to whom alone I looked for help in the dangers before me, I had a prospect of the English along the Coast for upwards of nine hundred miles where I have traveled. And the favourable Scituation of the English, and the difficulties attending the natives [and the Slaves amongst us,] were open before me, and a weighty and Heavenly care came over my mind, and love filled my heart toward all mankind, in which I felt a Strong Engagement that we might be [faithful] to the Lord while His mercies [are yet extended] to us, and so attend to pure Universal Righteousness as to give no just cause of offence to the gentiles who do not profess Christianity, Whither the Blacks from Africa, or the Native Inhabitants of this Continent: And here I was led into a close, laborious Enquiry, whether I as an individual kept clear from all things which tended to Stir up, or were connected with wars, Either in this Land or Africa, and my heart was deeply concerned that in future I might in all things keep steadily to the pure Truth, & live and walk in the plainness and Simplicity of a Sincere follower of Christ. And in this lonely Journey, I did this day greatly bewail the spreading of a wrong Spirit, believing {Page 256} that the prosperous Conveniant Scituation of the English, requires a Constant Attention to Divine love & wisdom, to guide and Support us in a way answerable to the will of that Good, Gracious, & Almighty Being who hath an Equal regard to all mankind. And here Luxury and Covetousness, with the numerous Opressions and other evils attending them, appeared very Af flicting to me, and I felt in that which is Immutable that the Seeds of great Calamity and desolation are Sown & growing fast on this Continent. Nor have I words sufficient to set forth that longing I then felt, that we who are placed along the Coast, & have tasted the Love and Goodness of God, might arise in his Strength, and like faithful Messengers Labour to check the growth of those Seeds that they may not ripen to the Ruin of our posterity.

We reached the Indian Settlement at Wioming14

Our [pilots] took us to the House of a Very Antient man, and soon after we had put in our baggage there came a man from another Indian House some distance off, and I perceiving there was a man near the door, went out, and he having a Tomahock wraped under his matchcoat out of sight, as I approached him he took it in his hand. I, however, went forward, and Speaking to him in a friendly way, perceived he understood some English, my companion then coming out we had some talk with him concerning the nature of our Visit in these parts, and then he going into the House with us, and talking with our [pilots] soon {Page 257} appeared friendly & Sat down and smoaked his pipe. Though his taking [his] hatchet in his hand at the instant I drew near him, had a disagreeable appearance, I believed he had no other intent than to be in readiness in case any violence was offered to him.

Hearing the news brought by these Indian Runers, and be ing told by the Indians where we lodged that what Indians were about Wioming Expected in a few days to move to some larger Towns, I thought that, to all outward appearance it was danger ous traveling at this time; and after a hard days journey [was] brought into a painfull Exercise at night, in which I had to trace back, and [feel] over the steps I had taken from my first moveing in the visit, and though I had to bewail some weakness which at times had attended me, yet I could not find that I had ever given way to a wilfull disobedience: and [then] as I believed I had under a Sence of duty come thus far, I was now earnest in Spirit beseeching the Lord to Shew me what I ought to do.

In this great distress I grew jealous of mySelf, lest the de sire of Reputation, as a man firmly settled to persevere through dangers; Or the fear of disgrace ariseing on my returning with out performing the visit might have some place in me. Thus I lay full of thoughts, great part of the night, while my Beloved Companion lay & Slept by me; Till the Lord my Gracious Father, who saw the conflicts of my Soul, was pleased to give quietness, and therein I was renewedly confirmed that it was my duty to go forward. Then was I again Strengthened to commit my Life, and all things relating thereto, into His Heavenly hands, and geting a little sleep toward day, when morning came we arose [and then on the] 14: 6:, we sought out and visited all the Indians hereabouts that we could meet with, they being chiefly in one place about a mile from where we lodged in all perhaps twenty. Here I Exprest the care I had on my mind for their good, and told them that true Love had made me willing thus to leave my home & family to come & see the Indians, and Speak with them in their houses. Some of them understood English and appeared kind & friendly, So we took our leave of those Indians, and went up the River Susquehannah about three miles to the House of an {Page 258} Indian called Jacob January, {46} who had killed his hog, and the women were making Store of Bread, and preparing to move up the River. Here our Pilots left their canow when they came down in the spring, which lying dry was leaky So that we being detained Some hours, had a good deal of friendly conversation with the family, and Eating Diner with them, we made some small presents. Then puting our Baggage in the Canow, Some of them pushed Slowly up the Stream, and the rest of us rode our Horses, and Swiming them over a Creek called Lehawahamunk,14

On 15. 6. proceeded forward till afternoon, and then a storm appearing we met our Canoe at An Appointed place, and the Rain continuing we Stayed all night, which was so heavy that it [ran] through our Tent & wet us and our Baggage.

On 16. we found on our way abundance of Trees blown down with the Storm yesterday, and had ocasion reverendly to consider the kind dealing of the Lord who provided a Safe place in the valley, for us while this Storm continued. By the falling of Abundance of Trees across our path we were much hindered and in Some Swamps our way was so Stoped that we got throu --- with extre[am] difficulty. I had this day often to consider mySelf as a Sojourner in this world, and a belief in the Allsufficiency of God to Support his people in their pilgrimage felt comfortable to me, and I was Industerously Employ'd to get to a state of perfect Resignation.

We seldom saw our Canow but at appointed places by reason of the Path going off from the River, and this afternoon Job Chilaway " an Indian from Wahalowsing who talks good English, & is acquainted with Several people in & about Philadelphia, [he meeting! our people on the River, and understanding where we Expected to lodge, pushed back about Six miles and came to us after night and in a while our own Canow came, it being hard {Page 249} work pushing up Stream. Job told us that an Indian came in haiste to their Town yesterday, and told them that three warriors coming from Some distance, lodged in a Town above Wahalowsing a few nights past, and that these three men were going against the English at Juniatta. Job was going down the River to the Province Store at Shamokin.

Though I was so far favoured with health as to continue traveling, yet through the various difficulties in our Journey, and the different way of living from what I had been used to, I grew weak, and the news of these warriors being on their march so near us, and not knowing whither we might not fall in with them it was a fresh Tryal of my Faith, and though through the Strength of Divine Love I had Several times been enabled to com mit myself to the Divine Disposal, I still found the want of my Strength [to be] renewed, that I might persevere therein, and my cries for help were put up to the Lord who in great Mercy gave me a resigned heart, in which I found quietness.

On 17: 6: parting [with] Job Chillaway {44} we went on, & reached Wahalowsing about the middle of the afternoon: The first Indian that we Saw was a woman of a modest countenance, with a Babe. She first spake to our [Pilot] and then with a harmonious voice expressed her gladness at seeing us, [they] having before heard of our coming. Then by the direction of our [pilot] we sat down on a leg, and he went to the Town to tell the people we were corner My companion & I Seting thus together in a deep inwara stillness the poor woman came and sat near us, and great awfulness coming over us, we rejoyced in a sence of Gods Love manifested to our poor Souls. After a while, we heard a Konkshell blow several times & then came John Curtis and another Indian man, who kindly invited us into a House near the Town, where we found I suppose about Sixty people, Seting in Silence and after [Seting] a Short time I stood up and in Some tenderness of Spirit acquainted them with the nature of my visit, and that a concern for their good had made me willing to come thus far to see them: all in a few short Sen tences which some of them understanding Interpreted to the others, and there appeared gladness amongst them. Then I Shewed them my Certificate, which was Explained to them, and {Page 260} the Moravian who overtook us on the way being now here [bid] me wellcome.

On 18: 6: We rested ourselves this forenoon, & the Indians knowing that the Moravian15

On 19. 6. & 1 of the week. This morning in the meeting the Indian{45} who came up with the Moravian being allso a member {Page 261} of that Society prayed, and then the Moravian Spake a Short time to the people. And in the afternoon, they coming together, and my heart being filled with a Heavenly care for their good, I spake to them awhile by Interpreters, but none of them being perfect in the work, & I feeling the Current of Love run Strong, told the Interpreters that I believed Some of the people would understand me, & so proceeded: In which exercise I believe the Holy [Ghost] wrought on Some hearts to Edification where all the words were not understood. I looked upon it as a time of Divine Favour, & my Heart was tendered and truly thankfull before the Lord: and after I Sat down one of the Interpreters Seemed Spirited up to give the Indians the Substance of what I said.

Before our first meeting this morning, [my mind] was led to meditate on the manifold difficulties of these Indians, who by permission of the Six Nations dwell in these parts, and a Near Sympathy with them was raised in me, And my Heart being enlarged in the Love of [Christ] I thought that the Affectionate care of a good man for his only Brother in Affliction, does not exceed what I then felt for that people.

I came to this place through much trouble, & though through the Mercies of God, I believed that if I died in the Journey it would be well with me, yet the thoughts of falling into the hands of [those] Indian warriors, was in times of weakness afflicting to me. And being of a Tender Constitution of Body the thoughts of captivity amongst them was at times grievous, as Supposing that they being strong & hardy might demand service of me beyound what I could well bear; but the Lord alone was my helper, and I believed if I went into captivity it would be for Some good end, and thus from time to time my mind was centered in Resignation which I always found quietness. And now this day, though I had the Same Dangerous Wilderness between me & home, was inwardly Joyfull that the Lord had Strengthened me to come on this Visit, and Manifested a Fatherly care over me in my poor lowly condition, when in mine own eyes I appear'd inferior to many amongst the Indians.

When the last mentioned meeting was ended it being night, [Papoonal] {41} went to Bed, and one of the Interpreters Seting by me, I observed [Papoonal] Spoke with an harmonious voice {Page 262} I suppose a minute or two and I asking the Interpreter, was told that he was Expressing "his Thankfullness to God for the favours he had received that day, and Prayed that he would continue to favour him with that same which he had experienced in that meeting." [That though Papoonal] had before agreed to receive the Moravian, and to join with them, he still appeared kind & Loving to us.

On 20: 6: was at two meetings, & Silent in [both]. 21: This morning in Meeting my heart was Enlarged in pure love amongst them, and in Short plain Sentences Expresst several things that rested upon me; which one of the Interpreters gave the people pretty readily after which the meeting ended in Supplication, and I had cause humbly to acknowledge the Loving kindness of the Lord toward us; And then I believed that a Door remained open for the Faithfull disciples of Jesus Christ to Labour amongst these people.16

I feeling my mind at Liberty to return, took my leave of them in general at the Conclusion of what I said in meeting, and so we prepared to go homeward, but some of their most active men told us, that when we were ready to move the people would choose to come & shake hands with us; which those who usually came to meeting [generally] did, & from a secret [draft] in my mind I went amongst some who did not use to go to meetings & took my leave of them allso, and the Moravian and his Indian Interpreter appeared respectful to us at parting. This Town stands on the bank of Susquehannah & consists I believe of about forty Houses mostly compact together; Some about thirty feet long, & Eighteen wide, some biger, & some less, mostly built of Split plank, one end set in the ground & the other pined to a plate, [and then] Rafters, and covered with Bark. I understand a great Flood last winter overflowed the Chief part of the ground where the Town Stands, and some were now about moveing their Houses to higher ground.

{Page 263} We Expected only two Indians to be our Company, but when we were ready to go we found many of them were going to Bethlehem with Skins and Furs, who chose to go in company with us: So they loaded two Canows, which they desired us to go in, telling us that the Waters were so raised with the Rains that the Horses should be taken by Such who were better Acquainted with the fording places. So we with several Indians went in the Canows, and others went on Horses, there being Seven besides ours, and we met with the Horsemen once on the way by Appointment, and then near night, a little below A Branch called Tankhannah17

On 22. 6. Through diligence we reached Wioming before Night, and understood the Indians were mostly gone from this place; here we went up a Small Creek into the woods with our Canows, and pitching our Tent, carried out our Baggage, and before dark our Horses came to us.

On 23: 6: In the morning their Horses were loaded, & we pre paid our Baggage and so Set forward being in all fourteen, and with diligent Traveling were favoured to get near half way to Fort Allen. The Land on this Road from Wioming to Our Frontier being mostly poor, & good grass Scarce, they chose a piece of low ground to lodge on, as the best for graseing; and I having Swet much in Traveling, and being weary Slept sound. I perceiv'd in the Night that I had taken cold; of which I was favoured to get better soon.

On 24: 6: We passed fort Allen, & lodged near it in the woods; having forded the westerly branch18

The Troubles Westward and the difficulty for Indians to pass through our Frontier, I apprehend was one Reason why so many came as Expecting that our being in Company would prevent the outside Inhabitants from being Surprised.

On 25: 6: We reached Bethlehem takeing care on the way to keep foremost, and to Acquaint people on & near the Road who these Indians were. This we found very needfull for the Fron tier Inhabitants were often alarmed at the Report of English being killed by Indians Westward.

Amongst our Company were Some who I did not remember to have Seen at Meeting, and some of these at first were very reserved; But we being several days together, and behaving friendly toward them, & making them sutable returns for the Services they did us, they became more free and Sociable.

On 26. 6. & 1 of the week. Having carefully endeavoured to Settle all Affairs with the Indians relative to our Journey, we took leave of them and I thought they generally parted with us Affectionately. So we geting to Richland had a very Comfortable Meeting amongst our Friends: here I parted with my kind [& Beloved] Companion Benjamin Parvin, 46 and accompanied by my Friend Samuel Foulke 4S we rode to John Cadwaladers, 107 from whence I reached home the Next day, where I found my Family midling well, and they & my Friends all along appear'd glad to see me return from a Journey which they apprehended Dangerous, but my mind while I was out, had been Employed in Striving for a perfect Resignation; I had often been confirmed in a Belief that whatever the Lord might be pleased to allot for me would work for good. [And] I was now carefull lest I should admit any degree of Selfishness in being glad overmuch; And Laboured to Improve by those Tryals in Such a maner as my Gracious Father & Protector [may] intend for me.

Between the English Inhabitants and Wahalowsing, we had only a narrow path, which in many places is much grown up with Bushes, and Interrupted by abundance of Trees lying across it; {Page 265} which together with the Mountains, Swamps, and rough Stones, it is a difficult road to Travel, and the more so for that RattleSnakes abound there, of which we killed four. That people who have never been in such places, have but an Imperfect Idea of them. But I was not only taught patience, but also made thankful to God who thus led me about and instructed me, that I might have a quick and lively feeling of the Afflictions of my fellowCreatures, whose Scituation in life is difficult.

  1. Manasquan
  2. This second part of J. Woolman's pamphlet, "Considerations on the Keeping of Negros," was printed by Benjamin Franklin.
  3. New York
  4. This paragraph is added on a loose paper, MS. A. pasted in by John Woolman, having been omitted in copying from B.
  5. From reference to delicate health and several fevers in autumn and spring, together with William Tuke's letter to Reuben Haines referring to the "feverish disorder he usually had at that season of the year" ("9 mo.") one gets the impression that the "fever and ague" of the early settlers on the marshy lands in New Jersey had taken hold of the frail constitution of John Woolman, whose mode of life and diet were not suited to combat it.
  6. MS. B has a note in a later hand, "white hats." These were then the mode.
  7. This date —1762— marks the period when John Woolman adopted undyed clothing, which he wore onlv during the last ten years of his life.
  8. MS. B. Note in margin—"3, d part, containing 118 pages."
  9. Wyalusing—1922.
  10. Bocks County, Pennsylvania.
  11. Delaware
  12. The Lehigh River fiows into the Delaware at Easton.
  13. Wyalusing, a village on the Susquehanna River. David Zeisberger was the Moravian Brother; the Indian was Nathaniel.
  14. Lackawanna?
  15. David Zeisberger (40).
  16. MS. A has a marginal note by Woolman. "At our Yearly Meeting 1767. Information was given in our Meeting of Ministers and Elders that Some Indians far back had sent a Message in which they desired that some of the Quakers would come and pay them a religions Visit. And in the year 1771 a message came to the governor of pensylv* part to that import." This note was added when the final copy of the Journal was made in 1771, by John Woolman.
  17. Tunkhannock.
  18. The Lehigh River.

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